  • Podcast,  Season 1

    Life as a Fun-loving Disco Ball Inside of Kaleidoscope

    Stephanie LaFlora is a disco ball inside of a kaleidoscope. On one hand, she’s a mom and a wife, she’s got a house in the burbs and a 9-5pm. She’s admittedly scattered, prone to quitting when things get painful and encounters impostor syndrome. She’s even got a 401k. On the other hand, Stephanie is black female in tech who has sang with Hillsong at the Staples Center, and been on the TV show Chicago Fire, and started the following ventures: SwimXL—a plus-size women swimsuit line  CrownHunt—a tool to connect textured hair dressers The Pep Talk Hotline—the place to go when you need a pick up A disco ball inside of…
